Paid Annual Leave

美 [peɪd ˈænjuəl liːv]英 [peɪd ˈænjuəl liːv]
  • 网络带薪年假;带薪年休假
Paid Annual LeavePaid Annual Leave
  1. There is no mandatory paid annual leave in the U.S.


  2. It 's one of the few countries that doesn 't require paid annual leave or paid maternity leave by law .


  3. 28.2 % had paid annual leave officer serving on an incremental scale


  4. Benefit include : competitive salary , housing , meals , paid annual leave and bonus .


  5. A recent survey found that nearly 50 percent of employees do not take their paid annual leave , the reported .


  6. Every year National Day and the Labor Day paid annual leave , Xi'an the income which brings by the traveling is extremely high .


  7. The Effectiveness of Paid annual leave : The authentic cases analyses about Employee Satisfaction Degree ( ESD ) Based on Organizational Support Theory


  8. Factory should also add information in the written paid annual leave policy to notify all employees about application procedures , where and how the pay is reflected .


  9. It would be arbitrary and contrary to the purpose of entitlement to paid annual leave to deny workers holiday time in exchange for time spent sick .


  10. According to a regulation on paid annual leave which took effect in 2008 , full-time employees who work consecutively more than one year should receive paid days off .


  11. The purpose of entitlement to paid annual leave is to enable the worker to rest and enjoy a period of relaxation and leisure , the court said .


  12. Even though most employees know they are entitled to paid annual leave , a quite number of workers choose not to take the days off either because there 's no paid vacation system in the company or due to work pressure .


  13. The survey , conducted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in about 60 cities in the country , revealed that employees in private companies are less likely to take paid annual leave , compared with those working in government organizations , institutions and State-owned enterprises , along with foreign companies .


  14. This requires that the relevant departments should improve the implementation of the paid vacation system . After all , paid annual leave is a social benefit .
